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This week's video: Spreading the Good News! Part #1 Click here to watch!

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Discussion Questions for the Spreading the Good News Part 1 & 2

  1. Science isn’t the right tool to study God, because He is beyond nature - supernatural! Do you remember the two ways to learn about God we heard on the DVD? (Revelation and Testimony) Revelation comes to us through God’s Word, the Bible. Testimonies are stories about what God has done in peoples’ lives. Can you share a testimony from a time God has done something amazing in your life?

  2. When Jesus left the Earth, His disciples were scared. They were afraid to
    talk about Jesus when Jesus wasn’t around anymore. Then God sent them a helper. Do you remember who God sent?
    (The Holy Spirit) The Holy Spirit filled the disciples, and amazing things started happening! Do you remember any of those things? (They became very brave, some of them spoke in different languages, others healed people with God’s power.)

  3. Jesus gave His disciples a BIG challenge - He told them to preach the Good News in Judea, Samaria and to the Ends of the Earth! What are some ways that we, as a family, can share the Good News with our neighborhood? Our friends? Our town?

  4. At first Jesus’ followers thought the Good News was only for Jewish people. What did they call people who weren’t Jews? (Gentiles) How did God tell Peter the Good News was for Gentiles, too? (He gave him a dream about animals in a sheet.) Who would take the Good News to Jews and Gentiles throughout the Roman Empire on long trips? (Paul)

  5. We know that bad things happen, and sometimes we hurt. God has planned a kingdom for us that is free of sin and death. We have hope because of that! Let’s read 2 Corinthians 4:16-18, and pray thanking God for His promise, and asking Him to help us keep our focus on Him during hard days.

REMINDER: The Quiz Questions will be emailed to you on Sunday Mornings at 9am.