Every Sunday at 9 and 10:30 a.m. we gather together for our worship service. These services are open to everyone no matter what you believe or where you are in your journey. This is a safe place for everyone with programming for children ages 3 to grade 5. If you cannot participate in our in-person gathering, you can always watch live on YouTube or even watch a service from a previous week.
One of the most important parts of life here at Bethel is community. We are a Church family, and when you are here with us, you are considered a part of that. Throughout the year, we try to provide opportunities to connect as we journey through life together. One of the best ways to connect is by joining a Cluster group. These are small clusters of like-minded individuals that share life and their journey of faith. No matter where you are in your journey, there is a Cluster that has a chair for you!
We would not be a family without using our gifts and abilities to help each other. From serving coffee to participating on our worship teams, there are many opportunities for us to give back once you are connected to this Church family. If you would like more information about how you can begin to serve at Bethel, be sure to pick up your ministry package from our information desk in the foyer next time you are at the church.